Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Starting on the legs

It's been a while since I've been able to do some serious work. Yesterday I've been experimenting with fiberglass, I'm planning on doing a fiberglass dome and I think it'll turn out great when can get my hands on a mold (not from styrofoam because that doesn't survive the sticky stuff from the fiberglass). Perhaps plaster will stay intact.
I've also overused some of the resin as you can see on the picture. It's supposed to be a nose but because of the desintegration of the styrofoam it didn't turn out so great. It also didn't dry very well untill I cut off the excess resin that made it a small chamber in which it was impossible to dry.

I had some more succes with the shoulders and legs. I've cut them all out, with the tip which allows me to pick the 2 best ones that will be used, the others will become like the one at the bottom. I'm just missing a piece of 6mm (1/4") MDF to complete the legs.

These are the shoulders, they just need the pockets routed out.

The five discs are for mounting the legs to the frame. When all this is completed, I can finish the frame. It's all glued together and it looks fantastic. Just the top and side plates are loose because I've got to drill holes in them for the legs to be attached. I want to be able to do the 2-3-2 transition. The plans are all there, just waiting for the legs.
When the holes are drilled, I'll also add some screws to make it even stronger.

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